1012-72-2 Bond Fixation in Annulenes. 14. Synthesis of and Bond Shifting Equilibrium between 1,4- and 1,6-Di-tert-butylcyclooctatetraenes
https://www.lookchem.com/CASDataBase_1012-72-2.htm Photolysis of the Diels-Alder adduct of 3,6-di-tert-butyl-o-benzoquinone and cyclobutadiene at ice-bath temperatures afforded the bicyclooctatriene 12.During warming to room temperature, this hydrocarbon underwent kinetically first-order valence isomerization to provide 5 and its bond shift isomer 4.This finding adumbrated the facility with which 4 and 5 are interconverted.Reaction of this cyclooctatetraene mixture with N-methyltriazolinedione gave urazoles 16 and 17 as chromatographically separable entities.Like 13, the related cycloadduct of 12 wherein both bridgehead tert-butyl groups exhibit restricted rotation , the angular tert-butyl substituent in 17 is sterically perturbed.Hydrolysis-oxidation of either 16 or 17 returned only mixtures of 4 and 5 because of their rapid bond shifting rates.When the equilibrium constant between these two isomers was determined by 1H NMR spectroscopy, it was found that 5, the apparently more conges...